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Terms and Conditions


CCW Website Terms of Use

This section sets out the Terms of Use of this website. Access to this website is deemed to be confirmation that you understand and agree to be bound by all of the following terms and conditions:

CCW Global Limited (“CCW”) shall not be responsible in any way for any costs, losses and damages whatsoever arising from or in relation to the use of this website.

All information published on the website of “CCW” should be used for information purposes only. It is subject to change without notice and should not be taken as advice of any kind by“CCW”.

All materials contained in this website do not in any way constitute an offer. It is an invitation for you to make an offer to buy our insurance products or services subject to our final acceptance.



Under the Guidance Note on the use of Internet for Insurance Activities you agree than https://hk.ccw-global.com (the Hong Kong Subdomain) is intended for access and use only by legal residents of Hong Kong S.A.R.

If you are not a legal resident of HKSAR you must use https://www.ccw-global.com (the Top Level Domain), for information about insurance around the world and offshore insurance products.


Governing Law and Jurisdiction

“CCW” is an authorized insurance broker under the Insurance Companies Ordinance in Hong Kong, strictly following the Guideline on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing issued by the OCI and falling under the jurisdiction of Hong Kong Courts.


Complaints and Mediation

n the event that you would like to make a complaint about the services provided by CCW Global Limited, please send written notification to:

Attn: Complaints Department
CCW Global Limited,
Units 4- 6, 11/F, Strand 50,
50 - 54 Bonham Strand,
Sheung Wan,
Hong Kong

Should a satisfactory resolution to your complaint not be forthcoming via this channel, further mediation can be achieved via contacting the following organizations:

Professional Insurance Brokers Association (PIBA)
Room 2507-08, 25/F,
China Insurance Group Building
141 Des Voeux Road Central
Central, Hong Kong

The Insurance Claims Complaints Bureau
29/F, Sunshine Plaza,
353 Lockhart Road,
Wanchai, Hong Kong

The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
21st Floor, Queensway Government Offices,
66 Queensway,
Hong Kong.



All materials on this website may not be reproduced, copied, distributed or published in any medium for any purpose without the prior written consent of “CCW”. All materials of this website are protected by copyright.


Third Party Links

This website may link to Third Party Websites owned and operated by entities other than CCW Global Limited.

CCW takes no responsibility for the content and practices of any third party website, and users agree to follow links hosted by CCW at their own risk.


Online Purchasing

CCW links to online insurance purchasing functionality in the form of I-Frames embedded in this site and through third party website links. CCW is not responsible for the content or accuracy of systems which are maintained by insurance providers, and to which CCW has no administration access.

Users choosing to purchase insurance products without speaking do so at their own risk with the understanding that CCW is not responsible for the outcomes of purchasing decisions for which the company has not been involved.


Cookie Policy

CCW Global uses cookies. For more information about our cookie policy please click the link below.


Contact Us

If you have any questions about the privacy standards of this website, or how your personal and sensitive data is handled by CCW please Contact Us Today