Group and Corporate Life Insurance Options
CCW Global is able to advise businesses in Hong Kong, China, and across the Asia Pacific region on the full range of Group Life Insurance solutions available in the international market.
Working with some of the world’s largest specialist Life Insurance Providers, CCW Global is able to assist companies find the best possible coverage for Group Life, Key Man, Critical Illness, and Disability Income Protection insurance – ensuring that businesses are able to protect employees and ensure that key members of staff have the security they require to focus fully on their jobs. Additionally, comprehensive group life insurance options offered by CCW brokers mean that even if a vital employee should suffer a serious accident or unexpectedly die, that the business will be able to continue operations in the wake of the loss.
With a range of flexible and tailored life insurance options, CCW specializes in assisting businesses reduce their risks with regards to employee absences through accidents, illnesses and death, and is able to assist companies benchmark existing insurance protection in line with global standards.
Because CCW Global is a broker, working for our customers and not for the insurance providers, and because we have extensive relationships with the world’s leading insurers, we are able to supply a range of specially designed corporate life insurance and life protection solutions matched by few other brokers in the APAC region.

Group Life Insurance Plans
What is Group Life Insurance?
Group Life Insurance plans offered by CCW Global are an excellent way to provide employees with peace-of-mind in the event that they suffer a severe accident or unexpectedly die.
These types of policies are offered by companies to their employees and will provide a payment to the staff member in the event of their premature death – enabling the individual’s family to receive much needed financial support in the wake of an emotionally traumatic experience.
The Company providing the group life insurance scheme may opt to cover the cost of the insurance for employees, or it may offer the insurance as an optional “opt-in” cover with employees contributing for the cost of the insurance either out of pocket or through a pay check deduction.
For more information about this form of corporate life insurance please click Group Life Insurance Schemes.
What is Key Man Life Insurance?
In contrast to a Group Life Insurance policy, a Key Man Life Insurance plan is a policy purchased by a business to cover their losses in the event of the death or permanent disablement of a critical member of staff.
This type of policy is designed to support a business through a lump sum payment in the event that a key employee is unable to perform their job duties due to death or injury, and will enable the company to continue operations while a replacement is found for the deceased individual. Additionally, the lump sum payment can be used to cover day-to-day operational expenses immediately following the loss – ensuring that the company is able to survive the loss of any single employee.
For more information please click Key Man Life Insurance.
What is Critical Illness Insurance?
Critical Illness Insurance, while normally purchased by employees on an individual basis, can be an attractive offering to staff as part of a company’s Employee Benefits Package.
A Critical Illness policy will provide employees with a lump sum payment if the staff member is deemed to be “critically ill” and suffering from a serious, debilitating disease. Offering this type of protection to employees can allow Asian businesses to attract and retain vital talent through providing peace-of-mind that the worker will not suffer a financial shortfall because of a serious illness; ensuring that all workers are able to fully focus on the job at hand.
For more information please click Corporate Critical Illness Insurance.
What is Disability Income Protection?
Disability Income Protection is often overlooked in regards to corporate employee benefits and risk management solutions, but can mean the difference between hiring your first choice candidate over your second choice.
Offering income protection for workers in the event that they suffer a serious and debilitating accident, Disability Income Protection Insurance will ensure that the employee suffering from the disability will receive monthly payments to support their lifestyle while they are unable to work. Complimenting an Employee Compensation Insurance policy, Disability Income protection can be an effective solution to ensuring that temporarily disabled employees are able to focus on their recovery without the business having to continue paying their salary while permanently disabled employees are able to receive valuable long term financial assistance following their injury.
Free Group Life Insurance Consultations
If you would like to learn more about the extensive Group Life Insurance solutions available from CCW Global, or if you would like to arrange a free no-risk, no-obligation consultation to discuss your company’s group life insurance options with a CCW Global insurance broker, simply Contact Us to arrange a meeting today.
You can learn more about the services we offer to our corporate customers by clicking About CCW Global.

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