Outpatient Health Insurance for Businesses
Outpatient healthcare, defined as medical treatment where an overnight stay in hospital is not required, can be a key benefit for many employees when included in a company’s health insurance offering.
Group Outpatient Health insurance coverage is usually available as an optional addition to a standard inpatient policy,, which means that choosing to include outpatient protection in your company’s health insurance plan will normally mean that your premium will increase. However, offering this type of protection to staff through their employee benefits package can help to simplify day-to-day healthcare and ensure that your workers are not constantly worrying about their options in the event that they need to see a doctor.
While the costs associated with receiving outpatient medical treatment, such as going to a General Practitioner for a check-up or receiving a necessary vaccination prior to departing on a trip overseas, are often not overly high, you will normally receive more outpatient healthcare during the course of a given year than you would any other type of medical procedure. As such, providing this type of coverage to staff through their employee benefits package can help to simplify day-to-day healthcare and ensure that your workers are not constantly worrying about their options in the event that they need to see a doctor.
This is especially true if your group medical insurance policy is also providing coverage to your employee’s dependents. In which case an outpatient coverage benefit will ensure that your workers families are able to get comprehensive medical treatment as and when they need it.
Business Outpatient Health Insurance Coverage
Outpatient treatment, as defined above, is any medical treatment where an overnight stay in a hospital is not required. Consequently, an outpatient coverage benefit on a group medical insurance policy can provide coverage for:
- Costs associated with General Practitioner Visits
- Costs associated with Specialist Visits
- Costs associated with Prescription Medications
- Chiropractic Treatments
- Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatments
- Alternative Therapies and Complimentary Medicines, including Homeopathy
- Prescribed Occupational Therapies
- Prescribed Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, and Oculomotor Therapy
- Routine Health Checks including Early Disease and Illness Screenings
- Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Treatments
- Infertility Treatments including IVF
- Prescribed Glasses and Contact Lenses
- Prescribed Medical Aids and Prosthetic Devices
The outpatient coverage benefits illustrated above are available on Group health insurance plans from many leading international insurance companies. However, it is important to note that not all of these benefits will be offered by every company and not every plan will include the full range of outpatient protection as illustrated above.
Consequently, ensuring that your company’s group medical insurance policy is able to provide the full range of coverage required by your employees is an important first step towards identifying the plan best suited to meet your organization’s unique requirements.
Customizing Outpatient Insurance Plans for Companies
When you contact CCW Global about obtaining outpatient health insurance coverage for your company we will work with you to understand your requirements; whether you are looking to offer an attractive incentive to employees as part of their benefits package, or if you are seeking to reduce your overall costs of coverage, we will work to understand the health care goals of your company.
From there we will liaise with a number of leading international health insurance providers, and will assess the various plans in line with the larger needs of your organization. When advising on Group health insurance coverage, in many cases it is possible for CCW advisors to provide wholly bespoke coverage options – especially with regards to outpatient insurance benefits.
This means that our expert corporate medical insurance consultants are able provide a range of outpatient coverage solutions which may not be offered as standard policy options by the insurance companies. From increased coverage for Traditional Chinese Medicine specifically for domestic staff in China, to ensuring that retiring employees are able to take their coverage with them following their departure, CCW goes the extra mile to tailor your group medical insurance policy to meet the exact needs of the company.
Group Outpatient Insurance Advice
If you would like to look at your company’s outpatient health insurance options, CCW Global would be pleased to undertake a no-cost, no-obligation investigation as to the options which best fit your specific requirements.
For more information or to contact a consultant about outpatient insurance advice for groups and companies please Contact Us Today.

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